2011년 1월 10일 월요일

Writing Chain "SUCCESS IS..." made by class 22boys

Success is graduating a good college. You know, things like seoul, harvard, standford etc. there are several reasons that I think graduating a good college is the sucess.
First of all, if you graduate a good college, you can go to more better work that you like. You can enjoy your work by doing what you want.
Secondly, if you go to a good work by graduating a good college, you can have a good family by earning a lot of money.(Sun Kyu)

However, graduating a good college is not always a good thing. You have to study really hard to get into a good college. Some people in major college commit suicide because of their studying time.  Also, even if you graduate a good college, you might be fired in your work. You won't even have a family if you're fired. So graduating a good college is always not a good thing.      (Yoo Jin)

Also, graduating s good college can give you selfishness. Some students in Oxford, or Harvard do not listen to others but try to do the thing by themselve. So, they are not good at teamwork. That's why I think graduating a good college is not a success in your life.(Mike)

However, it is most likely to get a very good job if you graduate a good university. Employers would like to employ smart workers instead of stupid workers. For example, for companies, they would need smart workers. Then, the boss will of course hire the people that graduated good colleges. Also, who would fire the worker that is from a good college!? So, I think graduating a good college is a success in your life.(Daniel)

But I want to remind you that graduating a good college is good. However even if you graduate low college but if you're happy about your life, that's all!!
We don't really, have to graduate a good college will make you happy. Just relax a bit and keep study and you'll reach your goal.(Sung-Il)

I think that graduating good university is good because you can go to good company, like Samsung, Hyundai Dusan or LG. Second, you can have a happy life with your family by earning much money.

In conclusion, being happy is most important thing. Graduating a good college is one way of being a happy life. Everybody have different ways od being happy. To be happy, LET'S MAKE OUR GOAL!!! (Sun Kyu)

Harvard University.

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