2011년 1월 26일 수요일

My final presentation!!!!!!

Hey guys, it's the last presentation in GLPS. I think I developed a lot more than the first time I did my presentation. So, enjoy my final presentation and pray for me to win the debate!!!

 Second world war
Hello, everyone in this class. My presentation topic is world war two. The second world war is a war that had killed millions of people and lasted 6 years. I am going to tell the situations that world had when the world war two happened. It was 4:45am. Everybody was sleeping in the dark night. Then Nazis started to attack Poland' west part and Soviet Union attacked Poland's east part. Then, the terrifying war began. In 1939, September 3rd which is two days after Germany attacked Poland, England and France had declaration to Germany. Declaration is an announcement that the one country is saying to the other countries that they are going to have a war. It was a lot surprised to the world because these means that it is going to be a big war. About 3 weeks later, Germany colonized Warszawa and arrested Poland people who participated in the war. Situations like this kept repeated. However, it looked like that Nazi was going to win the war. They were colonizing many countries one by one and behind this, there was Adolf Hitler. He was a patriot of Germany so he join to the army of Germany. He became the boss of his army and he changed in to a great orator. Most of his speech was about criticising Jewish people. Killing Jewish and killing people who help Jewish changed citizen's mind. The thing that changed citizen's mind to kill Jewish is that, after the first world war, Germany lost. So their economy, jobs, and the health problems were so bad. Then, Jewish came to Germany. Germans greeted them well even they had poor situation. However, what Hitler said was that because of Jewish people, their jobs were taken!! Later, most people followed him. He did coup to be the president of Germany but it failed. He was arrested in jail for 1 year and made more elaborate plans. The second time he couped, he succeed. When he became the leader of Germany, he became incredibly crazy. First thing that he did was abusing Jewish. Then from 1937, he started to change his political way into offensive way. His offensive way to Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Poland changed in to World war two. He did a lot of things in World war two. Many countries were colonized by him. Especially, the abusage of Jewish was incredible. However, by starting the terrible war, the promises that he made when he succeed coup failed. Instead of being the best country world wide, he lost everything of Germany including territory, the base of economy, power, independence, and morality of his country. However, he succeed one thing for sure. That is killing Jewish. He almost wiped out most of Jewish in Volga river. Until the moment of his death, he blame the defeat of Germany to Jewish.
So why did the second world war started? The reason of it is because of Treaty of Versallies. Treaty of Versallies is the treat that was made in Versallies palace. After world war one, the teams that stand for Germany lost and they had to pay a lot of money to the other countries. Then, Germany became a lot poor. However, U.S won the first world war so they became rich but later, world widely, the economy fails. Each country deal the problem with different ways. Then, in Germany, Nazis began. Nazi is state socialism which means that country decides everything. Germany require the territory of Poland but Poland refuses it and made mutual assistance pact with England and France. Mutual assistance pact is the deal made with more than two countries. Those countries who made deal can support one of the country when other country attacks it. The Germany was angry with Poland and attacks them. Then France and England supports Poland. There were some countries that were on Germany's side and some were in Poland's side. Because of this deal, world war 2 happened.
Now I'm going to tell about world war two in Asia. Officially, world war 2 begins in Asia when USA was brought in to the war in December of 1941. However, Japan had been expending their territory of influence in Asia long before then. Japan's major work of expanding their territory began in the war between Russia and Japan. While Japan was growing their military to take east Asia, Europe was becoming terrifying place because of Germany. So USA was giving pressure to the things that was going to Japan to make them stop in growing their military. So, Japan attacks Hawai which is in USA. With this attack, US was angry and started to make warship. Japan don't give U.S time and send hundreds of warships to U.S. However, very luckly, a reconnaissance aircraft which is an aircraft that look around whether enemies are coming, saw that Japan was coming. They call the base and U.S sent aircrafts. Those ships all sink down. However, Japan still had two major warship armies. They sent those but the problem for them was that they were weak of submarine. Again they fail because of the submarine that U.S had. This time, U.S go to Japan. Still in Japan, there were millions of soldiers waiting. Finally, the president of U.S decide threw new clear bomb in Hiroshima. Then the war between U.S and Japan finish.
So, how did this long, terrible war finished??? As I said at first, this war lasted for 6 years and is the war that had many damages historically. The ending of this war is kind of simple. It ends with Normandie amphibious operation. Amphibious operation is landing on the enemy's country and start to make a basement there so it would be easy to attack. Canada, U.S, England was one team and going to attack France, Normandie. It was the part of place of France but they lost it while the war with Germany. However, Germany knew that U.S and other countries were going to attack them. They were thinking about Normandie and other place. Germany chose to block the other place. So in Normandie, there were no much militaries left. Hitler left two defending armies in Normandie. The boss of each army was different so their way of defending style was also different. They knew that U.S would come at June 5th but from the night of June 4th, there were terrible storms. One of the army's boss thought that they wouldn't attack in such a bad weather so he took army to the basement. However, his thought was wrong. Thousands of ships came to attack Normandie and nearly 100millions of soldiers were there. U.S and other countries could easily, take Normandie. After, taking Normandie, U.S and other countries went to Germany to take them. There, Hitler suicided. Germany surrender and the war was over.
I think when the economy was bad, if the countries worked together, this terrible war wouldn't be happened. I hope the world war three wouldn't happen in this peaceful world. Thank you everyone here and have a nice day.

This is my hand out for "the second world war"

The Second World War
World War two: The war that killed many people other than any wars. It had many damage and it lasted for 6 years.

● Table of Contents
1. The definition of world war 2
2. World War 2 in Europe
3. World War 2 in Asia (war between U.S.A and Japan)
4. How the World war started and finished
5. Conclusion

● World war two in Europe and Asia
As the word says, it means world war. This war happened all over the world. The main war happened at Europe and Asia. The war happened in Europe is the war between European Countries and the war in Asia is mainly between U.S.A and Japan. I'm going to explain that in my presentation.
● How did it start?
When the first World War finished, the countries that lost including Germany had the write the Treaty of Versallies. One of the thing in Treaty of Versallies is paying a large amount of money to the countries that lost. Then the countries who lost got so poor. Hitler, made the Germans to follow him to revenge. Then the second world war started.

● How did it finished?
It finished because of the Normandie amphibious operation. It was one of the place of France but Germany took the place. U.S.A, England, Canada were going to attack Normandie. The Normandie amphibious operation succeed so later, they defeated the armies of Germany.

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