2011년 1월 14일 금요일

Mt first presentation

The writing that is down is my first presentation in this camp. It's about madonna Litta which was drown my Leonardo. However, I got bad grade ㅠㅠ. Pliz read it.

Madonna Litta
My topic is about Madonna Litta which was drown by Leonardo. Firstly I'm going to have a brief explanation about Leonardo. He is one of the an artist that had born in Renaissance period. He is an artist, inventor, mathematician, doctor, and a scientist. He was a person who drew many famous paintings. He also invented a weapon which took a lot of lifes in the war. Also, as a doctor he found many new facts about our body. Now we know who Leonardo is and I'm going to start my speech.
Madonna and the baby Jesus is a good topic of the painting in the Bible. Specially, Madonna Litta drown by Leonardo is famous. Usually, in the painting of Jesus, we've seen the wise and majesty Jesus. However, in this painting, we can see a little cute baby that is handsome. Because of this painting, we are having a new feeling of Jesus. In the drawing, we can also see the Madonna's face which is little sad and cold that shows us the Jesus' bad life when he grows up. Madonna actually means the 'Holly mother' in the bible. There are many kinds of paintings like this. The one that drew the Jesus as the king is called 'Nikopoia'(니코포이아). The picture with 'Holly Mother' holding baby Jesus with her left hand is called 'Hodegetria'(호데게트리아) which includes this drawing. There are many other types of Jesus and the Madonna. The reason that this painting is called Madonna Litta is that the owner of this painting is Litta family. By the time Leonardo painted this picture, he had many followers with him so there are some guess that this painting was only sketched by him and colored by his followers. However, the painting has Leonardo's tendency of painting so this guess are not sure. The painting of Madonna Litta that he drew is famous for including many colors but not lossing the beauty of the work. He expressed the happiness of the Jesus' birth well and by putting the unique symbol, he showed the hardship of Greece. In the painting, of the Madonna Litta, baby Jesus is suckling the Madonna's breast. Also in the painting the baby Jesus is holding small bird in his left hand which means, the suffering the he is going the have in the future. There are also, another hidden facts in this painting. You can see the two windows at the background and in the window there are mountains and clouds. That is a part of the world that Leonardo thought. This picture is an oil on canvas painted from 1490 to 1491.
This painting was done in Milan. There are numerous replicas of this painting by other Renaissance painters, and Leonardo's own sketch of Madonna's head is in the Louvre. Madonna Litta was painted by Leonardo for the Visconti rulers of Milan. It was then passed to the Litta's family. Then in 1865, Alexander II required the painting from Litta family to give the painting to Russia diplomat. Then the painting was given to the Saint Petersburg museum which means until 1865 it was not known very well but after 1865, it was shown to the public. They later deposit the painting to the Hermitage Museum where it has been exhibited until today.
By researching this painting, I once more thought that Leonardo was a genius. He put many hidden meanings in this painting. Specially, the suffering that Jesus is going to have. I also think that the smile of Madonna look a bit similar with Mona Lisa. Maybe there are many new facts that we don't know about Leonardo yet. It's mistery.

댓글 2개:

  1. It's a good presentation and it seems you know a lot about the topic - so good work! Practice makes perfect!
