2011년 1월 24일 월요일

Out my window

Hey, everyone for the fans of Menu blog!!! This week my GLPS camp teacher told me very interesting website. It is called"NFB: HIGHRISE - 360° Interactive"

The cool things about these website is that you can see manu highrises all over the world. However, there are only 14 countries that you can see. Also, you can click the things that you want to see and watch the video of it. I'm going to compare mt house which is an apartment in seoul and a highrise cemetery in Tawian.

The reason that Taiwan made cemetery in a highrise is that their country is so small. You know Korea is full of mountains so there are a lot of place to be cemetery. This highrise cemetery is fuul of dead people's ash of thier bones. Oh!! think of a building that is full of dead people's body isn't that awful??? Here in Taiwan, I'm going to explain Xuxuo's life. She is very old. She is 90 years old and most of her realitives are in this highrise cemetery building. However, when I compare this to my lfe, most of my relitives are alive and even they are dead they are in the cemetery of mountains.

If you look outside of the cemetery building, she can she her nunnery but if you looking out side with my apartment, I can see children playing in the playground and people buyinh things in the supermarket. She been there for ten years but for me, it's just been one year. Also, when it becomes every Sunday, she goes to her Buddist temple and have worship. Sad thing here is that she can knee down when she is praying for her god  because she is old. I go to chrch every Sunday but I'm not very happy with going there. It is kind of boring. However, the good thing in my church is that I don't have to kneel down. I prefer her to go to church rather than going to temple. While her spare time, she writes chinese but for my spare time I HAVE TO study. She said it make her more calm but studting make me annoying.

If you go to this website and check about outside view of Xuxuo's highrise cemetery, you can see there aren't very much of highrise. Mabye the highrise cemetary is the highest building in her villiage which is kind of sad and tells you that there are a lot of people dying.

Apart from her sad highrise there are many interesting and funny highrises in the world so visit this website pliz!!!

Out My Window

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