2011년 1월 26일 수요일

Game review about 'GETAMPED'

Actually, I don't play computer game. My last gmae that a played on computer is "Getamped" which is 2 years ago. This game used to be popular but it's not that popular now. Still, there are many users in this game. Now, I'm going to exlpain how to play these game. This game is very easy to play. 'z' is to aim someone. It is used when you get items. 'x' and 'c' is used when you attack or hit someone. 'v' is jump and you can damage other more harmfully, when you jaumo and attack. When you press 'x' 'c' or 'x,c' at one time while pressing botton 'z' which is aim, your attack get more powerful and it look good.

There many jobs. Like figther, soldier, nija, robot etc. However, fighter is the most common one that people use. You can buy some weapons and charaters using 'real money'. It make you better look. However, if you don't use cash and use 'game money' your character might look bored. THIS MIGHT LOOK BAD but this is the way how they earn money I think. If you don't use cash, you won't be powerful enough to play game. Still, even if you don't use cash, it's fun. There are many kinds of maps. Also, you can edit your character. You can also be connceted with the player you l,ike and chat with them.

The ,only problem with this is that the grafic is bad. Recently, there are many games that has good grafic so it looks like real but this game is in 2D which is not so good. However, nothing is bad expect for this. By looking at this GETAMPED game review I hope you can enjoy game better.

My final presentation!!!!!!

Hey guys, it's the last presentation in GLPS. I think I developed a lot more than the first time I did my presentation. So, enjoy my final presentation and pray for me to win the debate!!!

 Second world war
Hello, everyone in this class. My presentation topic is world war two. The second world war is a war that had killed millions of people and lasted 6 years. I am going to tell the situations that world had when the world war two happened. It was 4:45am. Everybody was sleeping in the dark night. Then Nazis started to attack Poland' west part and Soviet Union attacked Poland's east part. Then, the terrifying war began. In 1939, September 3rd which is two days after Germany attacked Poland, England and France had declaration to Germany. Declaration is an announcement that the one country is saying to the other countries that they are going to have a war. It was a lot surprised to the world because these means that it is going to be a big war. About 3 weeks later, Germany colonized Warszawa and arrested Poland people who participated in the war. Situations like this kept repeated. However, it looked like that Nazi was going to win the war. They were colonizing many countries one by one and behind this, there was Adolf Hitler. He was a patriot of Germany so he join to the army of Germany. He became the boss of his army and he changed in to a great orator. Most of his speech was about criticising Jewish people. Killing Jewish and killing people who help Jewish changed citizen's mind. The thing that changed citizen's mind to kill Jewish is that, after the first world war, Germany lost. So their economy, jobs, and the health problems were so bad. Then, Jewish came to Germany. Germans greeted them well even they had poor situation. However, what Hitler said was that because of Jewish people, their jobs were taken!! Later, most people followed him. He did coup to be the president of Germany but it failed. He was arrested in jail for 1 year and made more elaborate plans. The second time he couped, he succeed. When he became the leader of Germany, he became incredibly crazy. First thing that he did was abusing Jewish. Then from 1937, he started to change his political way into offensive way. His offensive way to Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Poland changed in to World war two. He did a lot of things in World war two. Many countries were colonized by him. Especially, the abusage of Jewish was incredible. However, by starting the terrible war, the promises that he made when he succeed coup failed. Instead of being the best country world wide, he lost everything of Germany including territory, the base of economy, power, independence, and morality of his country. However, he succeed one thing for sure. That is killing Jewish. He almost wiped out most of Jewish in Volga river. Until the moment of his death, he blame the defeat of Germany to Jewish.
So why did the second world war started? The reason of it is because of Treaty of Versallies. Treaty of Versallies is the treat that was made in Versallies palace. After world war one, the teams that stand for Germany lost and they had to pay a lot of money to the other countries. Then, Germany became a lot poor. However, U.S won the first world war so they became rich but later, world widely, the economy fails. Each country deal the problem with different ways. Then, in Germany, Nazis began. Nazi is state socialism which means that country decides everything. Germany require the territory of Poland but Poland refuses it and made mutual assistance pact with England and France. Mutual assistance pact is the deal made with more than two countries. Those countries who made deal can support one of the country when other country attacks it. The Germany was angry with Poland and attacks them. Then France and England supports Poland. There were some countries that were on Germany's side and some were in Poland's side. Because of this deal, world war 2 happened.
Now I'm going to tell about world war two in Asia. Officially, world war 2 begins in Asia when USA was brought in to the war in December of 1941. However, Japan had been expending their territory of influence in Asia long before then. Japan's major work of expanding their territory began in the war between Russia and Japan. While Japan was growing their military to take east Asia, Europe was becoming terrifying place because of Germany. So USA was giving pressure to the things that was going to Japan to make them stop in growing their military. So, Japan attacks Hawai which is in USA. With this attack, US was angry and started to make warship. Japan don't give U.S time and send hundreds of warships to U.S. However, very luckly, a reconnaissance aircraft which is an aircraft that look around whether enemies are coming, saw that Japan was coming. They call the base and U.S sent aircrafts. Those ships all sink down. However, Japan still had two major warship armies. They sent those but the problem for them was that they were weak of submarine. Again they fail because of the submarine that U.S had. This time, U.S go to Japan. Still in Japan, there were millions of soldiers waiting. Finally, the president of U.S decide threw new clear bomb in Hiroshima. Then the war between U.S and Japan finish.
So, how did this long, terrible war finished??? As I said at first, this war lasted for 6 years and is the war that had many damages historically. The ending of this war is kind of simple. It ends with Normandie amphibious operation. Amphibious operation is landing on the enemy's country and start to make a basement there so it would be easy to attack. Canada, U.S, England was one team and going to attack France, Normandie. It was the part of place of France but they lost it while the war with Germany. However, Germany knew that U.S and other countries were going to attack them. They were thinking about Normandie and other place. Germany chose to block the other place. So in Normandie, there were no much militaries left. Hitler left two defending armies in Normandie. The boss of each army was different so their way of defending style was also different. They knew that U.S would come at June 5th but from the night of June 4th, there were terrible storms. One of the army's boss thought that they wouldn't attack in such a bad weather so he took army to the basement. However, his thought was wrong. Thousands of ships came to attack Normandie and nearly 100millions of soldiers were there. U.S and other countries could easily, take Normandie. After, taking Normandie, U.S and other countries went to Germany to take them. There, Hitler suicided. Germany surrender and the war was over.
I think when the economy was bad, if the countries worked together, this terrible war wouldn't be happened. I hope the world war three wouldn't happen in this peaceful world. Thank you everyone here and have a nice day.

This is my hand out for "the second world war"

The Second World War
World War two: The war that killed many people other than any wars. It had many damage and it lasted for 6 years.

● Table of Contents
1. The definition of world war 2
2. World War 2 in Europe
3. World War 2 in Asia (war between U.S.A and Japan)
4. How the World war started and finished
5. Conclusion

● World war two in Europe and Asia
As the word says, it means world war. This war happened all over the world. The main war happened at Europe and Asia. The war happened in Europe is the war between European Countries and the war in Asia is mainly between U.S.A and Japan. I'm going to explain that in my presentation.
● How did it start?
When the first World War finished, the countries that lost including Germany had the write the Treaty of Versallies. One of the thing in Treaty of Versallies is paying a large amount of money to the countries that lost. Then the countries who lost got so poor. Hitler, made the Germans to follow him to revenge. Then the second world war started.

● How did it finished?
It finished because of the Normandie amphibious operation. It was one of the place of France but Germany took the place. U.S.A, England, Canada were going to attack Normandie. The Normandie amphibious operation succeed so later, they defeated the armies of Germany.

2011년 1월 24일 월요일

Out my window

Hey, everyone for the fans of Menu blog!!! This week my GLPS camp teacher told me very interesting website. It is called"NFB: HIGHRISE - 360° Interactive"

The cool things about these website is that you can see manu highrises all over the world. However, there are only 14 countries that you can see. Also, you can click the things that you want to see and watch the video of it. I'm going to compare mt house which is an apartment in seoul and a highrise cemetery in Tawian.

The reason that Taiwan made cemetery in a highrise is that their country is so small. You know Korea is full of mountains so there are a lot of place to be cemetery. This highrise cemetery is fuul of dead people's ash of thier bones. Oh!! think of a building that is full of dead people's body isn't that awful??? Here in Taiwan, I'm going to explain Xuxuo's life. She is very old. She is 90 years old and most of her realitives are in this highrise cemetery building. However, when I compare this to my lfe, most of my relitives are alive and even they are dead they are in the cemetery of mountains.

If you look outside of the cemetery building, she can she her nunnery but if you looking out side with my apartment, I can see children playing in the playground and people buyinh things in the supermarket. She been there for ten years but for me, it's just been one year. Also, when it becomes every Sunday, she goes to her Buddist temple and have worship. Sad thing here is that she can knee down when she is praying for her god  because she is old. I go to chrch every Sunday but I'm not very happy with going there. It is kind of boring. However, the good thing in my church is that I don't have to kneel down. I prefer her to go to church rather than going to temple. While her spare time, she writes chinese but for my spare time I HAVE TO study. She said it make her more calm but studting make me annoying.

If you go to this website and check about outside view of Xuxuo's highrise cemetery, you can see there aren't very much of highrise. Mabye the highrise cemetary is the highest building in her villiage which is kind of sad and tells you that there are a lot of people dying.

Apart from her sad highrise there are many interesting and funny highrises in the world so visit this website pliz!!!

Out My Window

Ode To My Jacket

Dear my jacket
I am your owner Sun-Kyu
I am really greatful to you. You make me warm
and your beautiful color makes me stylish

You also have many friends like, long coat, and ski wear.
However, you are my best ever.
You are so convinent.

Also, please say thanks to your best friend duck's feather.
If there were no much of them, I could've been frezzing even there was you.
The combinations of you two are the best ever.
Because of you guys, for the last two years of winter, I've been greatful
The only bad thing is that you are a little heavey, still you save me from the cold
and make me healthy.

Oh my friend jacket
You make me happy
You make me warmthy
You make me healthy
You make me a little heavy
You make me stylish

Thank you and AGAIN thank you my dear jacket.

2011년 1월 18일 화요일

My own fun story


John had everything a dog could ask for. He had fat food, a big, skinny bed, and the Park family to look after him.
One morning John woke up. “I'm hungry!” he said. He went down to the Bed room but everyone in the Park family was still asleep. “I guess I'll have to find my own breakfast,” he said.
John went outside and ran down the street. On the sidewalk, he saw a handsome cup. “Gulp!” Down went the cup. “Not bad!” said John.
Next, John headed for the park. There he found a pair of robots just sitting on a bench. “Gulp! Gulp.” Down went the robots. “Mmmm, dirty!” said John.
John was feeling very crazy as he skipped over to a video store. There he saw some tasty video games. “Gulp! Gulp! Gulp!” John swallowed Star craft and Sudden attack whole.
Shut up! It must be time to go home,” said John. He kicked back home and up the stairs to his skinny bed.
“Breakfast! Time for breakfast, John!” called Mrs. Park.
“I don't feel very well,” groaned John. “It must have been those potato chips I ate for supper last night.” Burp!

You can try is at http://www.eduplace.com/tales/

My second presentation

I hope I can get a good grade on this presentaion~!

Explorations of European
Hello, everyone in class 22. My presentation topic this week is about the motivations of Europeans' explorations by 15 century. The Age of Exploration or Age of Discovery as it is sometimes called, officially began in the early 15th century and lasted until the 17th century. Also, the Renaissance encouraged a spirit of adventure and curiosity. Europeans had not been completely isolated from the rest of the world before the1400s. Beginning around 1100, European crusaders battled Muslims for control of the Holy Lands in Southwest Asia. Crusader means people who believe there idea is right. In 1275, the Italian trader Marco Polo reached the court of Kublai Khan in China. The most important part here is that Europeans were not very interested in exploring foreign country. That changed by the early 1400s. The desire to grow rich and to spread Christianity, coupled with advances in sailing technology, stimulated an age of European exploration. The exploration began when Europeans started to find new goods, trading partner, and trade routes. Also there are some explorer that sailed off just to learn something more. No matter the reason is, from 15 to 17 century, Europeans developed a lot in geographic knowledge. Even there are some famous explorer who had much desire of exploration, they needed ships, crews, food, and many other supplies. So they had to require those things to the government. However, the government in 15 century of Europe didn't support them well. Then, for the European countries who supported the explorers, why would they do it??
Many nations were seeking to find golds or silvers like Columbus. However, the main reason for the exploration was to find routes for trading and spices. For Europeans, those spices that they wanted was not growing in their country. So they had to go to China, Japan, Indies to get the spices. It was very difficult to get the spices from Asia to Europe. Spices had to be brought across thousands of miles of dangerous mountains and deserts by spice traders, with thiefs waiting to rob the spice. The only thing they could choose was to bring the spices by ship, but the sea voyage was also dangerous because of pirates and storms. Since it was so difficult to get spices from Asia to Europe, spices were very expensive. Also, the desire for new sources of wealth was the main reason for European exploration. After the Crusades war ended, Europeans continued to demand such spices such as nutmeg which is kind of a plant, ginger, and pepper. All of this flavor was needed for Europe. Because it is a good supply for merchants. They could charge high prices and thus make great profits.
However, the Ottoman Empire took control of Constantinople in 1453, he blocked European access to the area, severely limiting trade. In addition, he also blocked access to North Africa and the Red Sea which is two very important trade routes to the Far East. Let's make an example of Columbus. Towards the end of the 15th century, Europeans began to want spices and other things from the East like I said. The trade route to the East was difficult to walk on mountains or other ways. Columbus felt like he could find an ocean route to the East even though most people believed he would sail off the edge of the Earth because people thought the earth was flat. He convinced Queen Isabella of Spain to support his exploration to find a trade route. While he was doing his exploration, what he found was West Indies, the islands of Caribbean. Even though he made a mistake about the trade route he found gold. Later the French came to North America to hunt for animal furs to make fur coats for the growing European middle class. Soon the English came to North America to settle on the land. In the South the settlers used slave labor to produce cotton to send back to England where it was eventually woven into cloth by workers in the mechanized mills powered by coal. In Haiti, the French came to grow cane for the sugar which more and more Europeans wanted to use. Growing cane was labor intensive so the French used slaves to increase their profit on the cane plantations. If I summarize Columbus' exploration and the things that happened later in order, it is trade, selling goods and then the colonization. I have gave an example of Columbus and we can see that even it's not the trade routes, by doing explorations, Europeans found a lot of things. This is the reason why Europeans liked to explore. However, there is one reason that they could explore better. That is the technology. During the 1200s, it would have been nearly impossible for a European sea captain to cross 3,000 miles of ocean and return again. The main problem was that European ships could not sail against the wind. In the 1400s, shipbuilders designed a new vessel and the caravel. The caravel was stronger than simple designed vessels. In addition, triangular ships which was made from the Arabs allowed to sail effectively against the wind. Europeans also improved their navigational techniques. To know better about their location at sea, sailors used the astrolabe, which the Muslims had perfected. The astrolabe was a brass circle with carefully tied rings marked off in degrees. Using the rings to sight the stars, a sea captain could calculate their place. Explorers were also able to know their direction by using a magnetic compass, a Chinese invention.
By researching my presentation, I realized that Europe long time ago was not very developed. However, I think the reason that Europeans are developed today was because of their passion. When they are curious, they are doing research until they find it out. I hope that Korea could be a country like that.
This is my handout for my presentation

The Motivation of European's Exploration
class 22
Park Sun Kyu
Reason of exploring
● Finding trade routes
● Getting gold or silver
● Trade with Asia countries and getting spices
● Ottoman Empire took control of Constantinople in 15 century so they had to find new routes to go to Asia.
● It was so hard to go on the other ways like mountains or deserts.
● Many thiefs waiting to steal spices.
(Europeans wanted spices like pepper, nutmeg which is kind of a plant, and ginger)
The things that helped the exploration
● astrolabe-the thing that tells you the place where you are by using stars.
● magnetic compass
● triangular ships- allowed to sail effectively against the wind(made in Arabs)
● New designed Vessel- It is a ship which is bigger than a boat but when shipbuilders designed the vessel again, it became much stronger.
● new designed caravel- It is small boat but it became much stronger and much useful than the old designed vessel.

Thank you for reading!!!

2011년 1월 17일 월요일

Writig in 1st, 2nd, 3rd Narratives

1st person-
I'm GLPS students. I hate this camp. I have my roommates and they also hate this camp. Luckly, we are all in the same class so we could make plans. Our plan is to take taxi and go to Seoul. However, all we had was 40000 won. We needed 100000won to arrive our city. Fortunately, we had snacks so we sold it to other GLPS students. We collected 20000 so our total was 60000 won. We still need 40000 won more. We couldn't think of any good plans so we planned to still money from the vending machine. That night, we collected 40000 won and made 100000 won!! The next day was sking. We planned to run away after sking. Finally, the ski was finished, and we gathered together. We caught a taxi and started to  leave. However, the  head PA started to follow us!! I didn't really worry because taxi was more fater than him. We arrived in Seoul. We are free!!!-The end-

2nd person-
You are now in GLPS camp. You don't really like the camp. So your roommates and you started to make plans to get out of this camp. However, all you have is only 40000won. To arrive in Seoul which is your city, it costs 100000 won. You have snacks to sell to GLPS students. You earned 20000 won. You still need 40000 won. You are thinking of another plan but there are no answer. You had to still 40000 won from the vending machine. You finally collected 100000 won. The next day is sking. After sking, you don't take your GLPS bus. You take taxi. However, head PA tried to follow you. The taxi was more fater than him. You finally arrive your home town.-The end_

3rd person-
There were 6students who hated GLPS. They were all in class 22 and all lived in 202. They were in same class, same room so they could make plans. They planned to take taxis but it was too expensive. All they had was 40000won. They needed to have 100000 to take taxi. However, they had all kinds of snacks that kids loved. They sold these snacks to GLPS students. They earned 20000won for it. they had to collect 40000 more won. Finally, they planned to steal money!!! It was 3am night when they started their plan. They went to cafetaria vending machine and stole money there!!! They finally collected 100000won!!!The next day was the day they were going to ski. When the ski was finished, they didn't go to bus. They ran away!! The Head PA got a call that 6 students were stealing money in vending machine. GLPS sent him the pictures of  6boys that was in the security camera. PA noticed that they weren't in the bus. He saw them running!! However, it was too late. They were already in taxi!!-The end-

[ I really like GLPS!!! This is just a story that I made ]

2011년 1월 14일 금요일

Mt first presentation

The writing that is down is my first presentation in this camp. It's about madonna Litta which was drown my Leonardo. However, I got bad grade ㅠㅠ. Pliz read it.

Madonna Litta
My topic is about Madonna Litta which was drown by Leonardo. Firstly I'm going to have a brief explanation about Leonardo. He is one of the an artist that had born in Renaissance period. He is an artist, inventor, mathematician, doctor, and a scientist. He was a person who drew many famous paintings. He also invented a weapon which took a lot of lifes in the war. Also, as a doctor he found many new facts about our body. Now we know who Leonardo is and I'm going to start my speech.
Madonna and the baby Jesus is a good topic of the painting in the Bible. Specially, Madonna Litta drown by Leonardo is famous. Usually, in the painting of Jesus, we've seen the wise and majesty Jesus. However, in this painting, we can see a little cute baby that is handsome. Because of this painting, we are having a new feeling of Jesus. In the drawing, we can also see the Madonna's face which is little sad and cold that shows us the Jesus' bad life when he grows up. Madonna actually means the 'Holly mother' in the bible. There are many kinds of paintings like this. The one that drew the Jesus as the king is called 'Nikopoia'(니코포이아). The picture with 'Holly Mother' holding baby Jesus with her left hand is called 'Hodegetria'(호데게트리아) which includes this drawing. There are many other types of Jesus and the Madonna. The reason that this painting is called Madonna Litta is that the owner of this painting is Litta family. By the time Leonardo painted this picture, he had many followers with him so there are some guess that this painting was only sketched by him and colored by his followers. However, the painting has Leonardo's tendency of painting so this guess are not sure. The painting of Madonna Litta that he drew is famous for including many colors but not lossing the beauty of the work. He expressed the happiness of the Jesus' birth well and by putting the unique symbol, he showed the hardship of Greece. In the painting, of the Madonna Litta, baby Jesus is suckling the Madonna's breast. Also in the painting the baby Jesus is holding small bird in his left hand which means, the suffering the he is going the have in the future. There are also, another hidden facts in this painting. You can see the two windows at the background and in the window there are mountains and clouds. That is a part of the world that Leonardo thought. This picture is an oil on canvas painted from 1490 to 1491.
This painting was done in Milan. There are numerous replicas of this painting by other Renaissance painters, and Leonardo's own sketch of Madonna's head is in the Louvre. Madonna Litta was painted by Leonardo for the Visconti rulers of Milan. It was then passed to the Litta's family. Then in 1865, Alexander II required the painting from Litta family to give the painting to Russia diplomat. Then the painting was given to the Saint Petersburg museum which means until 1865 it was not known very well but after 1865, it was shown to the public. They later deposit the painting to the Hermitage Museum where it has been exhibited until today.
By researching this painting, I once more thought that Leonardo was a genius. He put many hidden meanings in this painting. Specially, the suffering that Jesus is going to have. I also think that the smile of Madonna look a bit similar with Mona Lisa. Maybe there are many new facts that we don't know about Leonardo yet. It's mistery.

2011년 1월 13일 목요일

Diamante Poem

                                     big, dirty
                         throwing, tuching, grabing
                     gloves, finger nails, toes, scoks
                          kicing, walking, running
                                   smelly, stinky

writing,drawing, coloring
                             lead, wood, rubber, square                             
         erasing, bouncing, throwing       
white, small 

heating, hating, burnig
light, warmth, mass, darkness
raining, glomming, floating
dark, gray

hand and foot-big, dirty(our hands are big and there are a lot of germ)
          throwing, touching, grabing(the things that we can do with our hands)
          kicking, wood, rubber, square(you can do this things with our foot)
          smelly, stinky(the smell of your foot)

pencil and eraser-black sharp(most pencils are black and sharp)
            writing, drawing, coloring(The thing you can do with your pencil)
           erasing, bouncing, throwing(The things you can do with your eraser. I throw eraser with my friends)
           withe small(the shape and the color of eraser)

Sun and Cloud-hot red(the feeling and the color of the sun)
                        heating, hating, burning(my feelings of sun. I hate sun)
                        rainging, glomming, floating(cloud is floating on the sky, it rains and it in glommy)
                         dark, gray(the color of cloud)

2011년 1월 12일 수요일

funny soccer video

 Hey guys, today, I'm posting viral video. Actually, this is not viral but it's funny isn't it???
By watching this funny soccer video, I felt that the sport called 'soccer' is a sport that you don't know what's it's going to be. You know that while we were playing soccer with Japan in Asian cup, we were losing by 1-2 but at the last 2seconds, we scored!!! I think this is the reason that I like soccer. So every body, watch out for your body~!!! 
I hope this things won't happen to me~~!

Spring Summer Fall Winter and Spring

There was a monk and a little boy living in a samll temple. The temple is at the middle of the lake so you have to raw the boat to reach the land. The lake was surrounded by mountain. they often go to the montain and the boy get some herbs from the mountain. One day, the little boy went out to play in the mountain. He didn't tell his monk that he was going out to play. However, monk knew that the boy was going to the mountain. When he arrived at the mountain, he still didn't know that monk was following. He was thinking about something to play. Later, he tied a fish with a rock. He put the fish in to the water again. The fish couldn't swim well. He laughed hardly. The he did the same thing with frog and snake.The monk was w3atching everything. Then he came back to the temple with the big rock. That night, when the boy fell asleep, the monk tied him up with a rock like he did to the other animals. When the boy woke up the next day, he came to monk and said "Please take this rock off master..." The monk asked him "Did you tied the other animals like I did?' the boy said "Yes" The monk said to the boy "Walk" The little boy tried to but the rock was too heavy for him. The monk said that if the boy found the animals and let them go, he will let him go but if the animals are dead, the fault of killing animals will stay in the boy forever. When he found all the animals, every animals were dead but the frog. He let the frog go and buried two animals. then he cried a lot. The Monk was looking at everything.

Actually, I got lesson like thi sfrom an insect that I was going to kill. I was trying to kill an ant which was very bug. I held it. While I was holding ant with my hands, it bit me!!Because of that inccident, I can't kill any insects until now.

2011년 1월 10일 월요일

My first day at Glps

When I first came to this camp, I was very nervous because I knew that this high school is the best school in Korea. However, it was totally different when I came and started my camp. For the first 2 days, it is really boring. All we did at the first day was writing an essay and eating dinner. If I say one good thing about the first day in my camp, the only thing I can say is free time and meeting your roommates. I was class 10 at first but when I had an interview at the second day, I reserved my class as 22nd. It was intensive class!! In my room, me and a guy who is 24th is only intensive. I was very worried that the whole camp was this bored but my thinking was extremely wrong. From the starting day, I was very busy and had to wake up early. I didn't like it first but when I got used to it, I'm enjoying my camp now.


Writing Chain "SUCCESS IS..." made by class 22boys

Success is graduating a good college. You know, things like seoul, harvard, standford etc. there are several reasons that I think graduating a good college is the sucess.
First of all, if you graduate a good college, you can go to more better work that you like. You can enjoy your work by doing what you want.
Secondly, if you go to a good work by graduating a good college, you can have a good family by earning a lot of money.(Sun Kyu)

However, graduating a good college is not always a good thing. You have to study really hard to get into a good college. Some people in major college commit suicide because of their studying time.  Also, even if you graduate a good college, you might be fired in your work. You won't even have a family if you're fired. So graduating a good college is always not a good thing.      (Yoo Jin)

Also, graduating s good college can give you selfishness. Some students in Oxford, or Harvard do not listen to others but try to do the thing by themselve. So, they are not good at teamwork. That's why I think graduating a good college is not a success in your life.(Mike)

However, it is most likely to get a very good job if you graduate a good university. Employers would like to employ smart workers instead of stupid workers. For example, for companies, they would need smart workers. Then, the boss will of course hire the people that graduated good colleges. Also, who would fire the worker that is from a good college!? So, I think graduating a good college is a success in your life.(Daniel)

But I want to remind you that graduating a good college is good. However even if you graduate low college but if you're happy about your life, that's all!!
We don't really, have to graduate a good college will make you happy. Just relax a bit and keep study and you'll reach your goal.(Sung-Il)

I think that graduating good university is good because you can go to good company, like Samsung, Hyundai Dusan or LG. Second, you can have a happy life with your family by earning much money.

In conclusion, being happy is most important thing. Graduating a good college is one way of being a happy life. Everybody have different ways od being happy. To be happy, LET'S MAKE OUR GOAL!!! (Sun Kyu)

Harvard University.